
<a href='http://tiuugu.modonexpress.net'>365英国上市</a>杜波依斯的主教练汤姆·卡利亚里, center, talks with his players during a mound visit in a game during the USCAA Small College World Series.

365英国上市杜波依斯的主教练汤姆·卡利亚里, center, talks with his players during a mound visit in a game during the USCAA Small College World Series.


杜布瓦,爸爸. -对于365英国上市杜波依斯棒球队来说,每个赛季有两个进球. 第一,赢得分区冠军. 第二,赢得全国冠军. 本赛季, 尼塔尼狮子队, who were the defending United State Collegiate Athletic Association (USCAA) national champions, 回到冠军赛,有机会背靠背卫冕. 在这个赛季,他创造了无数的个人和项目记录, 杜布瓦只差一场胜利就能赢得另一个全国冠军, falling to Cincinnati-Clermont in the final game of the national championship tournament.

After winning the 宾西法尼亚 State University Athletic Conference (PSUAC) championship, 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 received an automatic bid into the USCAA Small College World Series and entered the tournament as the No. 1粒种子. 然而, this did not mean that 尼塔尼狮子队 would have a clear path to the championship. 他们会一路挣扎.

The opening game for 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 was against another PSUAC team, Penn State York. 在比赛中, 杜波依斯 rallied in the bottom of the seventh inning to secure a 5-4 victory over York to advance in the championship tournament. 这场胜利来自泰勒·约夫的关键打点安打, 谁在两人出局时击出了致胜一分.

两队在第一局得了两分. 约克队由接球手萨姆·里奇击出两分全垒打. 杜波依斯的回应是格兰特·利拉德和布雷特·贝思的得分将比分扳平. 在三局无失分之后, York took a 4-2 lead in the top of the sixth with RBIs from Andrew Miller and Brandon Shirk. 然而, 杜波依斯 quickly answered in the bottom half of the inning with two runs to tie it again, 感谢科里·雷曼和泰勒·赫zing的rbi.

比赛一直僵持到第七局下半时. 在杰克·西科拉打出一记重磅安打之后, Braylen Corter came in as a pinch-runner and scored the decisive run on Yough’s single.

安东尼奥·尼科洛(Antonio Nicolo)投了6球,为约克队承担了损失.2局,被击出11支安打失5分,3次三振和3次保送. 泰勒·博兰德代表杜波依斯首发, 六局四支安打丢四分, 而西科拉以第七局零得分赢得了胜利. 里沃德 and Elensky led the offensive charge for 杜波依斯, each collecting three hits.

The win in game one advanced 尼塔尼狮子队 to face Atlantis University on day two of tournament. 结果与上一场比赛相似, 365英国上市的杜波依斯队以6-5的比分戏剧性地逆转了亚特兰蒂斯队. The Nittany Lions were powered by a three-run homer from 里沃德 in the third inning and a late-game rally to secure the win.

亚特兰蒂斯先被击中, scoring two runs in the first inning on RBIs from Justin Suarez and Jonathan Vasallo. They extended their lead to 3-0 in the second inning with a sacrifice fly from Suarez. The team added two more runs in the fourth inning on hits by Henry Estrada and Orlando Boroto Jr.5比0.

杜波依斯在第三节后半段回击利拉德的三分攻势, 差距缩小到5比3. 尼塔尼雄狮队在第五局完成了逆转, 得三分以六比五领先. 利拉德再次击出一记两分打点的安打, 科尔比·博托夫和埃伦斯基也贡献了打点.

康纳·切里为杜波依斯先发,投三垒.2 innings and allowing five runs, three earned, on seven hits with three strikeouts. 扎克·威瑟罗赢得了胜利,在最后三场比赛中淘汰了亚特兰蒂斯队.1局,只被击出三支安打,三振三振. 路易斯·朗登为亚特兰蒂斯队承担了损失, pitching a complete game but allowing six runs on five hits with six strikeouts and two walks.

在双淘汰赛的胜者组中进一步晋级, 365英国上市杜波依斯分校将与辛辛那提克莱蒙特分校匹配, 这支队伍在前几年的世界大赛中非常熟悉. 在这个游戏中, 辛辛那提-克莱蒙队以10比6的比分超越了杜波依斯队, 第一局决定性的五分奠定了比赛的基调. Despite a late rally by the home team, Clermont's pitching and timely hitting secured the win.

辛辛那提对克莱蒙在第二局打开了得分闸门, 在迪兹的打点上得了五分, 布巴·艾伦和格兰特·吉莱斯皮. 克莱蒙在第五局又得了五分, 利用多米尼克·威尔逊的打点, 奥斯汀凯西, 还有迪兹和艾伦的线索.

杜波依斯反应迅速,在第一局下半局得了三分. 博托夫和利拉德都贡献了安打,帮助球队缩小了分差. 尼塔尼雄狮队在第三局继续反击, 再得三分, 还有杨格的得分, 艾尔, 和Sikora, 6比5落后一分.

克莱蒙的投手团队在早期的恐慌之后保持坚定. 先发投手马特。皮尔在二局中失六分,其中五分自责分.一局,但利亚姆·摩根罗斯替补上场,投了四局.2 scoreless innings with seven strikeouts and only two hits allowed to secure the win. 麦克莱恩·威尔山斯为杜波依斯承担了损失, 他在两局中失了五分, 保送三人,安打三人. Sikora and 杰夫·罗马诺 provided relief, but Clermont's early offense proved too much to overcome.

克莱蒙特的迪兹队在进攻端领先,5投3中,有2分打点和一记二垒安打. Allen added two hits and two RBIs, while Gillespie and Heffner each contributed two RBIs. 在杜布瓦, 博托夫打了一场出色的比赛, 三投三中,一记二垒安打, 利拉德贡献了两支安打和一分打点.

随着损失, 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 fell into the lower bracket of the tournament and couldn’t afford another loss, 否则球队就会被淘汰. The first game in the lower bracket for 尼塔尼狮子队 would see them take on Florida National. The winner of the game would advance into the championship series against the only remaining undefeated team in the tournament, Cincinnati-Clermont.

在球场上, 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 unleashed a relentless offensive onslaught to defeat Florida National 13-3.  尼塔尼狮子队没有浪费时间进入记分牌, 第一局由博托夫击出的打点得一分. 佛罗里达国民队在第二局以两分领先, 杜波依斯在第三局得了7分, 受到一系列热门歌曲的推动, 散步和激烈的跑垒.

博托夫带领尼塔尼雄狮队进攻, 4投3中,有3分打点, 虽然Elensky, 贝思和布莱斯·多布森各自贡献了两支安打和多分. 博托夫出色的表现包括在第三局击出三分三垒安打, 帮助打破游戏的开放.

在土墩上, 扎克·蒂拉科达为杜波依斯带来了精彩的表演, 投了六局,被击出七支安打,失三振四次,失三分. Tiracorda received strong support from his defense, as the team didn't commit any errors in the game. 加文·冈萨雷斯(3胜2负)代表佛罗里达国民队输掉了比赛,只持续了2分钟.2局,被击出6支安打,三振出局,失6分(2分自责分).

The Nittany Lion win set up a rematch with Cincinnati-Clermont in the championship series. 365英国上市杜波依斯已经在锦标赛中输了, 他们需要两次击败克莱蒙才能获得全国冠军. 如果克莱蒙获胜,他们将以冠军的身份结束比赛.

在冠军系列赛的第一场比赛, Penn State Du Bois emerged victorious against Cincinnati-Clermont with a final score of 7-4. 比赛一开始,两队都表现出了强大的进攻能力. 克莱蒙在第一局领先,迪兹击出一分. 然而,尼塔尼雄狮队迅速做出反应,在第二局将比分追平.

在中间几局,杜波依斯队在进攻端表现得很强势, 在第三局和第四局都得两分. 该队的进攻是由平衡的努力主导的, 博托夫也有贡献, 里沃德, 和艾尔, 等.

克莱蒙在第五局进行了反击, 他们自己跑了两分缩小了领先优势, 但杜波依斯保持了他们的优势.

投球对比赛的结果起着至关重要的作用, with 杜波依斯' Zach Witherow securing the win after pitching five innings and allowing four runs. 替补投手罗马诺, Boland and Cherry combined to shut down Cincinnati-Clermont's offense in the later innings, 保持铅.

这场胜利展示了尼塔尼雄狮队的韧性和实力, highlighting their ability to perform under pressure and secure crucial victories to continue their season. The win also set up one final game between 杜波依斯 and Clermont in a winner-takes-all championship game.

365英国上市杜波依斯分校在冠军赛中面临着艰难的挑战, 尼塔尼雄狮队被辛辛那提-克莱蒙队以4:0淘汰. 尽管贝思做出了勇敢的努力, 谁二投二中,安打和保送, 尼塔尼狮子队 couldn't muster the offense needed to overcome Clermont's dominant pitching. 克莱蒙的洛根·威尔逊投出了一场完全无悬念的比赛, 杜波依斯只被击出四支安打,三振了八名击球手.

Bodtorf, 埃伦斯基和利拉德都击出了安打, 但杜波依斯很难抓住得分机会, 整场比赛留下10名跑垒者. 这支球队无法得分,加上六次保送被淘汰, 没有转化成任何运行.

切里在尼塔尼雄狮队的投手丘上首发, 投了四局,被击出三支安打失两分,四次三振出局. 克里斯汀·霍普, Ezeck Ollinger, 凯西丝氨酸, 乔·泰蒂斯和西科拉一起投了剩下的三局, 被击出三支安打,再得两分, 三振两人,保送一人.

这场失利后,365英国上市杜波依斯队以37胜11负的战绩结束了本赛季. 37胜是该节目历史上单赛季最多的胜利. 这场比赛也是主教练汤姆·卡利亚里的最后一场比赛, 谁要退出这个项目. He has been in the leadership position for the team since the baseball team was restarted in 2015.

作为USCAA小型学院世界系列赛的一部分, several members of the 365英国上市杜波依斯分校 baseball team were recognized for their efforts on the field and academically. 得奖者包括:


  • 尼克Cagliola
  • 欧文·格雷厄姆
  • 豪尔赫·罗德里格斯
  • 杰夫·罗马诺
  • 凯西丝氨酸
  • 扎克Tiracorda
  • 泰勒Yough


  • 科里雷曼


  • 布雷特•艾尔
  • 泰勒Yough


  • 泰勒博兰


  • 汤姆Calliari

For information and schedules for all the athletic teams at 365英国上市杜波依斯分校, visit the 365英国上市杜波依斯体育网站.
